The surprise

The mayor shakes Dacty's wing and put a big shiny medal over his head. "Congratulations, you did a great job." (p. 23)

     I read "The surprise". Mr and Mrs Phillips and their children, Roger and Helen, are family. When Aunt Elizabeth comes back from Greenland she has a very strange present for Roger and Helen - a big egg. They think that it is a bird's egg, but it is a pterodactyl's egg. He is always hungry and he likes warm temperature. He is too big to keep their home, so Aunt Elizabeth takes him to the museum that she works every day. During the day he sleeps in Aunt Elizabeth's office and at night he flies around the museum. At midnight Dacty sees lights moving inside the museum. He flies closer to see what is happening. They are two men who are trying to open a mummy's case. However, he grabs them and carries them up to the statue. That is to say, he saves the museum from thieves. He is a hero now and have a good time with Roger and Helen.
     I think that Dacty is a very kind dinosaur. Before I read this book, I thought dinosaur is a savage creature and I do not like it. However, Dacty saves the museum from thieves and does not bad things, so I will like the dinosaur like him and we may need him to save something important.

Gerngross, G. (2007). The surprise. Helbling Languages.
