
"My brother wants to kill him, but I want to know more about these Englishmen first - and you can help me. I'm going to give him to you, little Pocahontas."

pocahontas oxford に対する画像結果     In January 1607 three ships left England and sailed to America. After four months they arrived in Virginia and the Englishmen built Jamestown. They tried to grow corn and vegetables, but they could not grow them well because of the weather. So, John Smith asked Indians to get them and he met a beautiful young girl, Pocahontas. She likes him and he likes her too, but this is North America in 1607, and love is not easy...
     This book is in the Oxford Bookworms Library series. It has imformation about North America's history. I reccomend that everyone read this book.

Tim Vicary. (2000). Pocahontas. Oxford : Oxford University Press.

