The Tortoise and the Hare

Once upon a time, there lived a tortoiseand a hare. The hare, who was very fast, always teased the slow tortoise. "Ha, ha, ha! Even a snail is faster than you!" he said. The tortoise did not like the teasing one bit. Finally, he decided to do something about it. "Let's have a race," he said. (pp. 2-4)
Once upon a time, there lived a ortoise and a hare. The hare always teased the tortoise. The tortoise didn't like the teasing, so he decided to have a race. On the day of the race, all of the animals came to watch. The hare hopped and the tortoise walked. So, the hare thought I could take a nap and still wake up in time to beat the tortoise. After a while, the hare woke up and he jumped up and hopped along the path. But it was no use. The tortoise crossed the finish line first.
  • hare ノウサギ
  • snore いびきをかく


Findley,V. (2006). The Tortoise and the Hare. New York, NY. SCHOLASTIC.
