The Riddle Stone

The magic took them to a rocky valley. Four paths met. There was a signpost pointing four ways. Each way pointed to Riddle Mountain. A boy was sitting on a rock. "My name is Ty," he said. "I want to go to Riddle Mountain, but I don't know which path to take. I can't think of the answer to this riddle. (pp. 10-11)
Magic key took them to a rocky valley and they met Ty. Then they get to Riddle Mountain. They met a huge giant, a dragon, a huge serpent, goblins, a kite flier, a old man, a WolfWoman and a stone statue. They could pass all of the riddles. So, Ty could be the new Riddle Maker.
  • roar うなる
  • glint きらきら光る
  • whizz ピューッと飛ぶ
Hunt, R. (2007). The Riddle Stone. Oxford University Pr
