The Flying Carpet

Biff and Kipper looked through the window. They saw a little boy. He was crying and he looked very unhappy. "He must be a prisoner," said Biff. Biff and Kipper climbed into the little room. When the boy saw them, he jumped up in surprise. "When are you locked up in this tower?" asked Biff. "What have you done?" "I am the real king of this land," said the boy sadly, "but my wicked uncle locked me in this tower.

Biff and Chip were shopping with Dad and Biff bought an old carpet. After shopping, Biff anfd her mother washed the carpet, so it looked beautiful. Biff and Kipper were in her bedroom. Suddenly, the magic key began to glow and it took them to a town. It stopped by a window at the top of a tower. Biff and Kipper saw a little boy. He was crying and he looked very unhappy. Biff and Kipper heard his story and they decided to go his mother and catch his wicked uncle. The boy's mother could meet her son and attack the city. Finally, the boy could be king again, but his uncle ran away. So, Biff tried to stop him by using the carpet. Finally, the carpet could stop him and the land became peace.


wicked 意地悪な
jealous ねたんで、嫉妬して
hostage 人質

Hunt, R. The Flying Carpet. (1990). Oxford University Press.
