Sk8 for Jake

Yoko and Eric look at the skate stage. It says Jake Montoya Sk8 Stage. "Wow! Look at that," says Yoko. "I like Jake's stage!" Mr. Walker is listening to them. He knows they are good skateboarders. He has an idea. Mr. Walker says, "Jake Montoya's late. Do you want to go on Jake Montoya's skate stage?" he asks. "Oh yes, please," they say. "Yes, please!"

Yoko, Eric, and  John are skateboarders. One day, Jake Montoya, the world's number one skateboarder, comes to town. But Jake is late. So, they can skate on the stage and skate with Jake. Jake give some T-shirt for them, so they are very happy. Four weeks later, they some to the park. There is a new skate park. They can enjoy skate there.

Wenger, C. (2006). Sk8 for Jake. USA: Thomson ELT.
