Jack and the Westbourne Fair

For the first time in his life, he didn't want to be travelling on the road or on the sea or in the air. He wanted to be at home. (p.51)

     I read Jack and the Westbourne Fair. The main character, Jack, is a nice boy, but he always gets into trouble. One day, the headmaster of his school called his mother because he did some bad things and his mother was very angry angry with him, so his parents said that he could not go to the fair. However, he decided to go to the fair anyway and his mind changed by meeting a young boy.
     I think that Jack is a bad boy at first, but he changed his mind and reflected his behavior when he met a young boy, so I felt that he is good. I think we have to have a chance to reflest us like him. Also, he noticed that painting is a thing in which he can have confidence. I want to look for something that I can work on with confidence because it must make our life more wonderful.

Hobbs, M. (2009). Jack and the Westbourne Fair. Helbling Readers.


  1. The main character, Jack is a nice boy
    The main character, Jack, is a nice boy

    painting is a thing that he can have confidence
    painting is a thing in which he can have confidence

