Val's Diary

"That's a really good idea! I'll help you," said Dad, I'll be Robinson and you can be Friday." "No," said  Jason, "you can be robinson, I'll be your son and Val can be Fri..." "Don't even think about it," I said. "Now I'm going into the house to find my bedroom and I don't want to be disturbed for the rest of the holiday. I certainly wil not be Friday." I put up a  DO NOT DISTURB sign on my bedroom door. But I know that Jason is going to drive me crazy anyway. Oh, when scan I go home?

Val's family arrived at Greenhill. Val was so confused and she don't want to go and live there. But she admited the little house in Greenhill is quite nice. Later, she noticed that her neighbour is unbearable. One day, Val's family went to the fair and she met Luke. Mum made friends with Luke's mother, so she invited us to their house for dinner one night soon. She was very happy and can't wait it. She went to the lake with Luke too. She could spend happy time end of the holiday. But it time to leave there. She was confused, but nobady didn't think her problem.

Flagan, M. (2009). Val's Diary. Recanati MC Italy. ELI.
