Mrs. Meech, the lady next door, ran across the yard. "Which one of you ate my blueberry pie?" she asked.They all looked at Tubby. Mrs. Meech said, "I baked two pies. I put them out to cool. And someone ate one. All that is left is an empty pie plate." "I didn't eat it," said Wizard. "I didn't eat it," said  Tubby. "I didn't eat it," said Skinny. "I didn't eat it," said Snitch. "Cross my heart." Mrs. Meech said, "I need a private eye." "You came to the  right place," said Wizard. "We'll find out who ate the pie." "I am sure you will," said Mrs. Meech.

Today I read THE CASE OF THE HUNGRY STRANGER, a book in the An I Can Read Book  series. It is revel 2. It was written by Crosby Bansall.
One day, a blueberry pie that Mrs. Meech bake was ate by someone.So, Wizard, Tubby, Skinny and Snitch was going to find the hungry stranger...

It was so exciting story!
I didn't think that the dog was pie-eater.
Also blueberry pie look like delicious and I want to eat sometime.
