The Big Ballon Race

"I bet you will win," Ariel told her mother. Carlotta gave her a kiss. "You can sit in the basket until it is time to go." Ariel got inside the basketand talked to Harry the pigeon. Harry went on every flight. Something he took massages from Carlotta to Balloon Farm. The mayor began a long speech. He talked on and on. So Ariel climbed inside the Odds and Ends box. It was quieter there, and cozy and warm. Soon she was fast asleep.

Today I read The Big Balloon Race, a book in the An I can Read Book series.
It was Level 3. It was written by Eleanor Coerr.

It was the day of big balloon race.
Ariel asked her mother "can I go up in the balloon with you?"
However her mother refuse her to do.
While preparing, she can sit in the basket, but she fell asleep and the balloon take off.
She was a extra weight, so they have many troubles until they reach the goal.

It was exciting story.
I think I want to see a balloon when I return my home town.
