HENRY AND MUDGE and the Starry Night

Henry and Mudge and Henry's parents drove to Big Bear Lake. They parked the car and got ready to hike. Everyone had a backpack, even Mudge. (His had lots of crackers.) Henry's mother said, "Let's go!" And off they went. They walked and walked and climbed and climbed. It was beautiful. Henry saw a fish jump straight out of a steam. He saw a doe and her fawn. He saw waterfalls and a rainbow. Mudge didn't see much of anything. He was smelling.

Today I read HENRY AND MUDGE and the Starry Night, a book in the READY TO READ series.
In August Henru's family always went camping.
Henry and his Henry's big dog Mudge loved camping and they couldn't wait it.
This year they went to Big Bear Lake.
They couldn't see a lot of stars, but everyone slept safe and sound and there were no bears, no scares.
There were just the clean smell of trees and wonderful green dream.


wag 〈人、動物などが〉(左右、上下に)〈体の一部〉を振る
drool よだれを垂らす
giggle (主に子供や若い女性の)くすくす笑い、忍び笑い
groan うめく、うなる


Rylant, C. (1998). Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night. New York, NY: Simon Spotlight.
