Beauty and the Beast

First, the castle gates creaked open before her, then the door to the castle itself.
"This place must be enchanted," Beauty realized. She took a deep breath and stepped inside.
Beauty tiptoed down a long and dusty corridor until she found an open door. It led into a sweet-smelling garden. But as soon as Beauty stepped into the sunlight...she heard a terrible growl.
"What are you doing here?" roared the Beast. "I'm B-b-beauty, Pierre's daughter," she stammered.
"He sent you to die, did he?" the Beast growled. "Coward!" "Don't say that!" said Beauty.
She was so angry she forgot her fear and glared at the Beast.
"You have courage," said the Beast., gazing back at her. As he spoke, Beauty was shocked to see great tears forming in his eyes. "What's wrong?" she aasked. "Having you here makes me realize - I've been alone for so long," sniffed the Beast.
"Poor Beast," said Beauty, her heart filling with pity. "I'll stay with you, if you like."
The Beast grasped her hand, his eyes shining with hope. "Thank you," he said gruffly.

Today I read Beauty and the Beast, a book in the Usborne Young Reading series.
It was written by Louie Stowell.
When Beuty read the letter from her father,
she bravely rides to the Beast's enchanted castle in his place.

This story is very interesting!
I noticed this is different from the movie.
So, I recommend it everyone.


  1. Have you seen the recent movie based on this story?

    theBeast growled >> the Beast growled
    castlein >> castle in
    It written >> It was written

